Develop B2B Sales Skill

Wondering "How do the top performers in your organization or peer groups convert better than you?"

Secret of Selling Billions & Earning Millions
with Simple & Easy Sales Hacks
from Award Winning Salesperson

With over 2 decades of Experience in Sales. I can drive conversations & build relationships in flat 60 secs and show you how to make Millions in Commission by selling Billions in Sales.

w/ Anil Menghani

Who is Anil Menghani

Experienced business leader with two decades of experience in sales, business development, partner management & channel sales.

Recently expanded business for the rapidly growing ‘Series C’ SaaS company in the APAC market and driving product adoption, maximizing sales & managing in-country teams.

Anil calls himself a ‘60 sec guy’ as he feels he can drive conversations in flat sixty seconds and good enough to build relationships. He also has been awarded as ‘Top 10 Asia’s Modern Sales’ which reflects his expertise on LinkedIn & how he transformed his personal branding for growth of the business and scaling it exponentially.

What You'll Learn

  • How to SPY on your prospects without going out of your home?

  • 3 Step Magic Formula to create impactful Sales Pitch Presentations withour being Salesy in 10 mins

  • How to WOW your prospects even before starting your sales pitch?

  • Online Meeting Etiquette & Manner**

  • Dos & Don't of Sales in Online World

  • Top Sales Myth-Busters

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Join the Session Develop Skills To Become A Top B2B Sales Performer

Happening on 15 Sept (90 mins Session)

Register Now for $68 FREE

What you will get

  • How do you get the best out of your day as a sales leader in the online world?

  • How to WOW your prospects even before starting your sales pitch?

  • Online Meeting Etiquette & Manner

  • How to SPY on your prospects without going out of your home?

  • Quick HACKs of ONLINE Sales Process

Will you let excuses hold you back?

Or will you take that step of faith today